Kirstie Parker


"Achieving justice and respect – in every realm – for our inherent rights as First Peoples."


Kirstie Parker


Kirstie Parker is an aboriginal Yuwallarai woman from New South Wales, Australia, who has played a key role in making sure that Indigenous Australians voices are heard and influence government policies. She is the current CEO of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence and has spent two years as the co-chairperson of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a life-expectancy that is said to be 10–17 years less than other Australians and infant mortality is double that of other Australians. As co-chair in the Close the Gap campaign, Parker works to increase equality in health care provisions and access amongst all Australians.

They meet weekly on Thursdays evenings in different parts of London. Their work includes protests, petitions, letters to MPs and social media campaigns. For example, blocking bridges across the country in November 2016 in response to the government considering reducing domestic violence services.


Kirstie Parker is an activist for aboriginal communities in Australia.

Get involved

Go to her website to find out about her work in Australia.